Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru

Bikramjit Basu is currently a Professor at the Materials Research Center and holds Associate Faculty position at Center for Biosystems Science and Engineering, Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bangalore. He served as Assistant Professor at IIT Kanpur from 2001 to 2011. He is the recipient of Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar Prize (2013). He remains the only Indian to receive the prestigious ‘Coble Award for Young Scholars’ (2008) from the American Ceramic Society. He is a Chartered Engineer of UK, Fellow of the American Institute of Medical and Biological Engineering (2017), National Academy of Medical Sciences (2017), Indian National Academy of Engineering (2015), Society for Biomaterials and Artificial Organs (2014) and National Academy of Sciences, India (2013). He has published over 250 peer-reviewed research papers with citation of 8,300, H-index of 50. He is leading India’s major translational Center of Excellence on biomaterials with an interdisciplinary team of 50 researchers, clinicians and companies


SESSION 1D: Symposium: Materials of Today and Tomorrow

A K Ganguli, IIT Delhi

Biomaterialomics: Data-driven accelerated pathways for next generation biomaterials

Conventional approaches in biomaterials science or bioengineering involve the intuitive way of tailoring process variables that often incur long development cycles and high costs. Accelerated development of patient-customized implantable biomaterials or biomedical devices to achieve the efficient bedside–bench–bedside translation cycle is the need of the hour. Building on the concepts of the Materials Genome Initiative, the speaker will define a new term, ‘Biomaterialomics’, that relies on a data-driven integrated understanding of biocompatibility and elements of biomaterials development, leveraging both conventional and advanced manufacturing. Newer computational approaches to establish process-structure-property (PSP) linkages, relatively well explored for structural materials, can play significant role in the development and deployment of new generation biomaterials. Studies published by the speaker’s research group will be used as case studies to illustrate the formulation of PSP frameworks. The Biomaterialomics approach will significantly aid in the development of a new generation of bioimplants, whose predictive clinical performance could be closely tracked by ‘digital twins’. Futuristic challenges of the field will also be discussed.

© 2018 Indian Academy of Sciences, Bengaluru.